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lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Stop climate change

One way to stop climate change is prevent water pollution.


-Step 1:
Learn about the flow of water. Water from households goes into sewage systems and then into treatment facilities in most communities, where many pollutants are removed. Water we use outside the house, such as in the garden, goes into storm sewers and straight into rivers, lakes and streams.

-Step 2:
Examine your habits. Use of pesticides means that when it rains on the lawn or garden, chemicals wash into the storm sewers.

-Step 3:
Pick up pet waste. This is also a form of water pollution we can prevent.

-Step 4:
Remember, polluting the land means polluting the water. Throwing away a cigarette butt on the ground near a grating means it eventually reaches a body of water.

-Step 5:
Watch disposal of household products such as paint and solvents. These chemicals also cause water pollution when you don't dispose of them properly. Use hazardous waste disposal depots.

-Step 6:
Set up a composter. This is a great way to reduce your weekly garbage dispose of yard clippings and make a wonderful rich organic product for garden soil.

I posted this entry because is a way to stop climate change. All of us can be a world a better place to live if we work together. All blogs must have a entry about climate change and make conscience.We all can help prevent water pollution. Governments have laws that cover pollution by industry, but many of the things people do every day contribute to the problem. Our daily activities can cause pollutants to wash into storm sewers and then into lakes, rivers, streams and oceans, we can help if only follow these 6 steps.

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